New Prime Video documentary series focuses on gamers like DieHardBirdie, Autumn Rhodes, Gary Merritt, and more Abbe “DieHardBirdie” Borg, 78-year-old senior Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) world champion, will appear on the upcoming 6-episode documentary series called “Gamebreakers,” set to premiere January 31, 2021 on Amazon Prime Video. “I am happy to be on this new […]
Posts Tagged
‘Gray Gamers’
Executive producers Barry Rosen and Greg Klein recently announced that they will collaborate on a new film project based on the life of the professional gamer Abbe “DieHardBirdie” Borg, the 78-year-old Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS: GO) senior world champion. “Esports has grown so much as an industry over the past decade. Millions of people all […]
The world is currently in a state of health emergency due to the Coronavirus Disease or COVID-19 pandemic. Due to this crisis, the healthcare systems, livelihood, education, various industries, and economies are put on hold. In this fight against COVID-19, the most vulnerable ones to the virus are the elderly and the immunocompromised or patients […]